Science Communication activities that I have done or hope to do will be stored here. Additionally, I will post resources and links to other locations of awesome #scicomm. So lets get out into the community and do some science!
From Dirty to Clean.Is an activity designed by myself in collaboration with NCSE that explores different passive remediation components and how they work to clean contaminated water.
Candy DNA. Candy DNA is a classic and fun go to activity to introduce the topic of DNA to children.
Density Rainbows. An activity that allows participants to visualizes the different densities of various liquids.
Exploring Concussions.Various activities that explore concussions including concussion goggles and sensors to show a helmets level of protection.
Changes in Precipitation Activity.Climate Change in my Community Project that Focuses on change in Precipitation in Pittsburgh, PA. Includes a PDF of Climatograms from 1886 - 2018, that can also be downloaded here .